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The workshop's structure.

Here's a visual flow diagram of the workshop's structure, and the methods and tools you'll learn about:


Here's an explanation of the workshop's flow:


Introduction and team formation (20 Mins):

The workshop starts with a brief presentation on the topic enabling the participants to gain a clear understanding of the topic and context of the workshop. The presentation will explain the structure of the workshop, introduce supporting tools and materials, seed the audiences with a couple of ideas and conclude by providing time for team formation consisting of 3 members each.


Design for Generative AI module (20 Mins):

After forming teams, the first module is introduced where participants will work on designing Generative AI roles, creating 4 scenarios of travel, and identifying AI applications, all of these for passengers of vehicles. In this module, the method of co-creation will be introduced along with tools of activity canvases and physical prototyping for guidance and support in this creative process. The module will end in a break of 10 minutes.


Human-Centeredness module (40 Mins):

Participants here will work on designing Generative AI interfaces to be human-centered by bringing in user insights and human-factors. They will identify in-vehicle user interactions and activities that could be mediated by AI interfaces. Participants will then ideate different forms of relationships passengers might form with the in-vehicle AI interfaces. Ultimately, the participants have to evaluate the user experience provided by their concepts, take feedback from peer groups and select one concept. Methods of Wizard of Oz, Body Storming and Metaphor Card Sorting will be introduced. This session will be followed by a 15 minute break.


Responsible / Ethical Behaviour Module (30 Mins):

The participants have to evaluate the user experience of the designed AI interface from the perspective of its ethical and responsible behavior towards users, by prototyping four ethical and unethical behaviors. Next, they will design solutions to mitigate them by identifying design features and personality characteristics that the AI interface should ideally possess. For this purpose, design research methods of enactment and body storming will be introduced along with reference materials (Canvases / Cards) with Ethical theories. The session will end in a break of 10



Autonomy v/s Manual Module (15 Mins):

Participants will use inter-group discussion as a design method to enrich their perspectives and gain new understandings surrounding the transition from manual cars to fully autonomous cars (Level 0 to 5), and each group will select one level based on their research where it would be the most desirable to introduce their designed AI interface. Here, though supporting reference material with information will  be provided, different groups will have the freedom to choose different levels based on their knowledge and preference.


Finalisation (15 Mins):

After the discussion, participants in this session will re-think, re-design and finalise their conceptual design of the AI interface for vehicles by incorporating the knowledge gained from all sections. They should simultaneously work on creating prototypes or posters for sharing their work with all participants. The session will end with a 10 minute recess.


Exhibition and presentations (30 Mins):

All the concepts will be exhibited for viewing, and five groups will be asked to volunteer to pitch their concept to everyone. Following each pitch, free discussion will be encouraged amongst the participants to express their thoughts and knowledge gained. Lastly, audience feedback and ideas for future collaborations will be taken, and the workshop will be concluded with a vote of thanks.


Future work and Collaborations (15 Mins):

We would like to seek collaborations from interested members to

continue researching on this topic for publishing in suitable journals / conferences. Further, we would welcome interesting proposals and ideas from attendees for collaboration of diverse forms. The organisers will document the participant’s design concepts from the workshop and create a publication quality booklet displaying them. To discuss all these aspects, we will conduct a short post-workshop session with everyone present and receive ideas as well as suggestions. 

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